Human Colossus blog

Journey to a Dynamic Data Economy

The Human Colossus Foundation introduces key components of a Dynamic Data Economy through a series of blog posts

Overlays Capture Architecture
DDE Series Paul Knowles, Head of the Advisory Council DDE Series Paul Knowles, Head of the Advisory Council

Overlays Capture Architecture

OCA harmonises database models. It is a solution to semantic harmonisation between data models and data representation formats. Primarily devised for data object interoperability and privacy compliant data sharing, OCA is a standardised global solution for data capture that promises to significantly enhance the ability to pool data more effectively in terms of simplicity, accuracy, and allocation of resources.

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Blinding Identity Taxonomy
DDE Series Jan Lindquist DDE Series Jan Lindquist

Blinding Identity Taxonomy

With the enforcement of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on May 25th, 2018, swiftly followed by the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) being signed into law almost exactly a month later on June 28th , civic society were witnessing the dawn of a new era of data protection and privacy directives that continue to shape today’s digital landscape. The broad brushstroke of these directives has seen a shift in data governance from corporate entities to citizens, improving an individual’s right to self-determination regarding personal data. The exponential rise of decentralisation projects and initiatives since mid-2018 in the areas of data governance, distributed ledger technologies (DLT) and contextual trust continue to drive the legal and technical innovation pieces necessary to empower a dynamic data economy (DDE).

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Active and Passive Identifiers
DDE Series Paul Knowles, Head of the Advisory Council DDE Series Paul Knowles, Head of the Advisory Council

Active and Passive Identifiers

Yin-yang refers to a concept originating in ancient Chinese philosophy where opposite forces are seen as interconnected and counterbalancing. The concept is symbiotic with the Human Colossus strapline, “a home for synergy”, and offers the perfect analogy to describe the duality of entry and capture characteristics within a balanced digital network.

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